Between rain, work and family things we've been too distracted to get much bird-watching or blogging in. At the risk of boring you all to death, I'll share my smelly plant story.
We arrived home from work to a house full of an obnoxiously glorious perfume -- what in the world?!?
Checked the fully-open long-stemmed roses to see if they had suddenly developed an aroma -- nope! Hmmm - tracked the smell to the dining room and found the culprit.
An unknown variety of SANSEVIERIA I received from a co-worker years ago has suddenly decided to bloom. Sadly neglected (it apparently thrives on neglect!).
I wish I could share the aroma with you - sweet and cloying as gardenias, a bit overpowering in a closed-in house! Apparently the blooms are only open at night.
If you're a plant fan and know which variant this is, I'd love to hear from you!
Ha! Funny post, definitely not boring... Good luck with the smell!